Dans une décision rendue le 4 juillet dernier à l’encontre de Meta (anciennement Facebook), la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne (CJUE ou Cour de justice) retient qu’une autorité de concurrence...
Publications de
RetourPrivate Enforcement in France: the Set of Presumptions Established by the Damages Directive are Not Yet Fully Effective
Over the past few years, follow-on damages actions have significantly increased in Europe. Since the transposition of Directive 2014/104/EU on certain rules governing actions for damages under nati...
Abuse of Dominance: Imputation of Liability and Assessment of Exclusivity Clauses
In the case of Unilever Italia (No c-680/20), the ECJ preliminarily ruled in its judgment of 19 January 2023 that dominant companies may be held liable for abusive behaviour carried out by distribu...